Saints row gat out of hell map
Saints row gat out of hell map

saints row gat out of hell map

After upgrading the wings a few times (quickly done thanks to the nine billion power-up orbs scattered throughout the city) flying is an effective and suitably awesome way to get around. Soon after starting, the player unlocks a number of abilities, the foremost of which is a pair of angel wings which enable flight. The pair (or both at the same time, in the game's co-op mode) will storm through Hell's open world, a smaller, retooled and slightly twisted version of the city seen in Saints Row IV.

saints row gat out of hell map

In any event, despite the fact that Gat gets top billing and the cut-scenes feature him as the main character, Kinzie is playable through the entire game. However, fair warning: people starting without a SRIV save will see the default Boss-incredibly disconcerting for me since I always roll with a big, bold lady Boss rather than the generic dudebro that comes stock. To clarify exactly what Gat Out Of Hell is, it's a stand-alone expansion that does not require the original Saints Row IV to play. Naturally, Johnny Gat and Kinsey jump into action, cross the dimensional barrier, and head out to save them. Gat Out Of Hell picks up right after the end of SRIV, and sees the player's character kidnapped by the devil during a birthday party. Over the course of the Saints Row series, the Third Street Saints have taken over their town, become adored energy drink magnates, witnessed the destruction of Earth, become superheroes in the Matrix, saved Santa Claus and more… It only stands to reason that shooting Satan in the face wouldn't be much of a leap. LOW Too much of the content feels like filler.

Saints row gat out of hell map